
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Timberlands vs Dr. Martens

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Mariano Di'Vaio

 In 1978 a company by the name Abington Shoe Company renamed themselves into a small company that you might have heard called  the Timberland Company. Originally, theses type of boots were meant to be utilized for workers who work under hard conditions and needed shoes that would last them and not rip easily. Thus the company saw  an opportunity and now their product line become big in the fashion world. A few celebrities have been wearing Timberlands the past year and just because its a new year, it doesnt mean they are out of style. On the contrare my friends, they are barebly getting started. Mariano Di'Vaio has been seen numerous  times wearing these boots in the streets of New York. Liam Hemsworth and Paul Rudd have been seen wearing the more modern version of the Timbers. My recommendation on how (and what occasion) to wear these boots would be to wear them on a breezy week day when your going out to grab a bite with your friends. You can wear some straight cut denim jeans (or black skinny jeans), with a plaid shirt, and a tan button down cardigan. One of the best things about Timberlands is that they are long lasting making it worth to spend  $200.

Doc Martens

Adam Gallagher
Christopher Schaller 

In the 1960's, teenagers only craved for three things: Music, Art and Fashion. Greasers and pinups were the biggest trend style during that period, and during the time came the upbringing of Dr. Martens. The creator of these boots, Dr. Klaus Marten, created a sole as light as a feather and with the help of the creative Griggs family they created a "rebellion"  .Skinheads were the first subculture to adopt Dr. Matens in the early 1960s, and just a little after that they began to spill out of the East End of London, across Britain, and the world. There are clothing  brands that explode and the die out, but the Martens are definately not one of those brands. These shoes are meant to be worn without any sort of boundary. You can be tatted up, wearing shorts and a tank and they would look amazing. The point of these shoes is that it gives an extra ounce of individualism to your style whether your into punk, goth, psychobillies, glam, or straight edge. These boots are pretty amazing and one of the biggest trends last year and the year before that.

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